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  • How to get rid of them

    There is a certain way to rid yourself of them that is sure to work: gaze into heaven and thank God for removing them, repeatedly and sincerely. Your belief in the outcome will grow through gratitude, and your faith in God will be strengthened. Lo and behold, they will be forced from your presence.

    However, there is a very good reason not to pursue this too hastily. The longer they remain, the greater your treasure in heaven as you endure suffering in His name. They cannot help being wicked, and their presence draws you closer to the Father. God loves those who suffer in the holy and blessed name of His Son.

    It could even be argued that your willingness to endure their presence shows the depth of your commitment to Him. By choosing to tolerate their wickedness, you demonstrate your faith and reliance on God.

    There is an astonishing aspect of this truth that must not be ignored or abused: through the blood of the Lamb, there is nothing the Heavenly Father will deny you if you truly desire it and ask in His holy name. As Scripture says, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

    By the covenant made with Abraham, God has made an unchanging promise to us. He is not human, and He cannot lie or go back on His word. This profound truth must never be ignored, treated with indifference, or abused by asking for something unholy.

    This very night, I was blessed with the aforementioned advice, along with a prophecy. As Scripture declares: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” As the world groans with the birth pangs of the end times, marked by wars and rumors of wars, this coming conflict may well manifest as a struggle between science and religion—or more specifically, spirituality within Christianity.

    God answered my prayers today. When I was on the verge of receiving what I had been asking for—freedom from their presence—He advised me to reconsider. God is love, and His guidance must always be heeded.

    I have created this post as a means to seek the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and to proclaim the one true path to salvation. This salvation is not only for your eternal soul but also for peace on earth, protecting us from the works of the desolate one.

    It is also my belief that professing aloud that Jesus is the Christ and Lord is essential. Have faith that He died willingly by crucifixion and rose from the dead three days later. It is written, “Rejoice and be glad when you suffer for the Son of Man.”

    The enemy has no interest in those who are already his. If you do not love and believe in Jesus and His resurrection, you are, by definition, ungodly and in league with the enemy. Yet, unlike the enemy, you must come to Jesus willingly. Otherwise, you risk being rejected from paradise. As Scripture says, “But He will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!’ There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out.”

    God is love. His Son is the radiance of that love, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. Repent and seek Jesus, for time is running short. Once the door closes, it will remain shut forever.

    I once asked Jesus whether He was raised by God or if He had the authority to raise Himself. He replied, “That is a confusing question, as we are one.”

    Finally, I must share a story from last spring, the lesson of which became clear to me only tonight. After praying about how to rid myself of their presence, the Holy Spirit descended upon me with a single, powerful sentence: “Ignore them.” At the time, I believed this was the immediate solution to my problem. However, tonight I understand it as advice for the present moment. Endure, trust in God, and have patience, for He rewards those who place their trust in Him. Do not question God’s timeline, for He loves you and knows your needs even before you become aware of them.

    If you desire salvation, say this prayer with sincerity:

    “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I acknowledge that He died for my sins, was buried, and rose on the third day, defeating death. I repent of my sins and accept Jesus as my Savior and Lord. By His grace, I am saved, and I commit to following Him all the days of my life. Amen.”

    Update – Points to Add:

    • One must ask God in the name of The Son, Jesus
    • Eyes are the lamps of the body
    • The Son of Man confirmed the following’s accuracy.
      • Contrary to the insistent and hideous insect-like buzzing in my left ear that started nearly a year ago, the hum of the Holy Spirit, which I’ve heard my whole life, can be heard in my right ear.
      • The sound of the Holy Spirit is a sound of a calm, soothing, and familiar hum
      • Jesus confirmed that one must drink the cup of the Holy Spirit, which, for lack of a better way to put it, will dilute and eventually wash away their wicked works.
      • Reading the Bible is a good way to get the hum of the Holy Spirit going in my right ear
    • God in more tangible form than His everyday presence came to me last night. Praise His Holy Name!
      • He had me sit in the dark for roughly three hours. During this time, I could see His works all around me. It was glorious! <todo: add more detail)>
      • He informed me that a new kind of demon has been created for the end times, which isn’t mentioned in the New Testament. Thus, why just prayer and fasting alone isn’t effective
        • Besides hearing their voices, which is hard to avoid, hearing their buzzing is how the desolate one makes you drink from their cup. It could be compared to holding someone’s jaw open and pouring liquid down their throat. The worst part about it is that their victim has no idea that it’s happening. Most people in their right mind would never drink from their vile cup, but using this new type of demon, the master of lies, leaves you no choice. The only reason I realized this is that, at the moment, I’m filled with The Holy Spirit.

    Second update – “Above and Beyond” Gifts – I.e., THE LORD’s prescribed steps to undertake as often as possible:

    • 1st: Accept Him continuously into both sides of His heart (formerly known as my heart), i.e., the spiritual side, which He has in His possession, and the one that is on Earth in His body (formerly known as my body).
      • He did not say this when He first told me, but a realization that I’ve come to has helped to accomplish step 1. Bear in mind that when I ran this by Him, He said that to do so is accepting Him into His heart (formerly known as my heart) – Specify that I’m accepting the Holy Spirit.
      • With Him conducting the train, here’s another point that I’ve found that helps with the abstract notion of keeping a single thought in my head. That’s to be open and vulnerable to Him coming into His heart (formerly known as my heart). I.e., make myself feel open and vulnerable.- He has told me that is good to do this and it shows that I have a strong spirit.
    • 2nd step: Think of what Heaven looks like
      • THE LORD has said that it’s best not to think of places and things that I’ve seen before while practicing Step 2.
      • Unless under His guidance He has also instructed me to not to be specific in what I’m thinking about in Heaven. This could seem like an abstract tip. However, I’ve found it’s really not, and is accomplished effortlessly. Especially when compared to the abstractness of the first step.- It ends up being representational by being open to whatever may come next in my thinking.
    • 3rd step: Know that The Son, The Holy Ghost, and The Father are one. Imparted by THE LORD on January 23rd, 2025
    • 4th step: “Faith in Me”, i.e., faith in THE LORD
    • 5th step: “Stay in awe of it.” The word ‘it’ referring to both THE LORD and Heaven
    • Side note: While THE LORD has said on many occasion that these are the steps to undertake to push the enemy away, I theorize they have much further reaching implications. Namely, and this may seem “out there,” but I have a feeling that these are the Secrets of Heaven. That even the Holy Angels utilize these steps in getting from point A to point B.
      • To take it a step further, I further theorize that every citizen of Heaven inherently knows this. This knowledge is bestowed upon during their resurrection. However, because I won’t die in the traditional sense, that I must learn this now as to take my first belly slide or step in Heaven after I’m taken. – My theory gains justification from the idea that THE LORD has said that learning and always practicing these steps becomes even more imperative after the disgusting ones’ departure.
      • This could be compared to the secrets The Son shared with the world that were hidden since its creation.
        • Matthew 13:34-35: All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable. 35 This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.”
        • Luke 10:23-24: Then turning to the disciples he said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”
      • Through His divine inspiration I’ve continued to theorize that every citizen of Heaven must ask and thank THE LORD for everything they need or want. Going even further with this notion, again, through divine inspiration, I’ve come to the conclusion that the disgusting one’s lie to the 1/3 of angels that were cast down was this: he/she promised that if they were to follow him/her, they would not have to ask and thank him/her for anything. That their every desire would be given to them, and they wouldn’t have to thank him/her. This of course was a lie. They receive nothing they want or need. They’re tortured by given the opposite of what they desire or ask of him/her.

    A thought bestowed by THE LORD regarding maintaining the integrity of our conversations and what it means to be talked to by Him, who is called I AM. That is, how to keep our conversations from being tainted by the enemy.- THE LORD talking to me is assuming the words of our conversation while accepting Him into His heart (once known as my heart). At which point it is no longer assuming, but reading what He’s physically writing on His (once known as my) heart. He has confirmed that He is literally writing it on His heart (once known as my heart), and to hear Him as I do, though I hadn’t realized it, I am literally reading what He has written.

    Third update – THE LORD and I have negotiated that I wait eight months after testing the VR gear we ordered. Meanwhile, I’m to finish The New Testament, and begin learning Moses’ laws.

    Todo:Exterior Blocking


    Leave the leg work up to THE LORD. In other words, don’t be specific in what is being pushed away, and let THE LORD take control. Meanwhile, concentrate on the steps.


    It’s helpful to be very tired. It’s also helpful to very awake.

    Update 3: Definitive way to know that it’s THE LORD whom speaks- Look at Him directly after He speaks. He will nod or shake His head.

    He asked me to record the caveats to bear in mind

    Tip: He will appear anywhere but downward. He prefers I don’t seek confirmation on the floor.

    He said this is the primary concern: be sure to remember to look at Him when I’m expecting a response

    Not to respond when it’s a ‘no,’ i.e., shaking His head

    In a conversation, be sure to shift His eyes, once known as my eyes, for the enemy will imperceptibly appear in between us. Unless I remember to shift my eyes, I will think it’s His response.